"You're losing for two"
In sickness and in health- your wedding vows - your will power. Success awaits you!
"You're losing for two"
In sickness and in health- your wedding vows - your will power. Success awaits you!
In sickness and in health- your wedding vows - your will power. Success awaits you!
In sickness and in health- your wedding vows - your will power. Success awaits you!
It has to be a lifestyle or it won't work!
Don't turn your bride into a caregiver!
Good luck- if your on this web site- you've showed your committed!
Healthy eating and exercise ensure the best results. We are here to share our challenges and our success. Keeping you on track and motivated to reach your goals.
Kistler 12 Hour Diet Not a diet in the traditional sense, the simplest solution to weight lost- Seriously! not a diet- it’s a daily- 12 hour "FAST"- a Fast without the hunger pains- without the cravings- you give up nothing.
Kistler's 12 Hour Diet - 12 Hours Common Sense Eating / 12 Hour Fast. Only requirement is to know when the kitchen's closed.
We recommend a 6:00 PM eating cut-off...You have had almost 12 hours to eat what you want - give your body time to burn some of that fuel. Trust us- you will start feeling better the very first week.
The married couple behind the blog.
Tim Kistler was born in a small rural town outside Cleveland, Ohio. Following his family into the beauty industry, Mr. Kistler moved to Southern California in 1981 and enrolled in college at Rosston School of Design. Mr. Kistler has been involved in the beauty industry for the past 31 years and has observed and noted certain unspoken social influences that directly hindered his client's ability to achieve a healthy life style which encouraged him to share his findings with friends and the world here at 2canlose.com.
Antonia (Toni) Marie Kistler was born in Anaheim, California. Always having an interest in the beauty industry from her youngest years entered Rosston School of Design in 1982 which launched her into the beauty industry and years of success. In 2009 Ms. Kistler brought the totally all natural skin care line, Olea Essence into the country importing and selling to Whole Foods and around the
The 2.canlose.com web site was established to feature creative, original writings which are focused on weight loss for couples and families. A never used before style of writings to encourage dialogue between couples based on the revisiting of their covenant wedding vows pertaining to two becoming one flesh (Genesis 2:24). Couples making a renewed oath to one another to better dialogue their daily eating routine when they are apart and releasing their partner from any guilt, reframing from finger pointing; instead offering pure love, support and excitement for their coming forth and wanting to discuss poor food choices they may have recently engaged in.
2canlose.com lays out step by step how by engaging in healthy conversation both parties will encounter a mutual release to openly communicate their good and bad food choices which will equate into a healthier life path with the benefit being weight loss together. The bases behind 2canlose.com is to encourage total oneness when it comes to the weight; combining participant's weight, tracking one combined weight -one goal. An oneness that will be carried into the planning of the meals as well as the family exercise routine. 2 can lose.com was developed to help trigger a pyridine shift to weight loss within the marriage, reinforcing a "He's eating for her and she's eating for him" concept. What can be done to fight the internal clock?
DON'T PULL BACK ON VALUABLE CALORIES: A rigorous exercise program needs calories, low calorie intake reduces testosterone levels at an alarming rate in just the first week of an exercise program. You must intake enough calories to avoid setting off your body's starvation alarm.
Nutrients aid in muscle building. Don't listen to outdated weight programs— they'll tell you to cut calories, reduce fat, and cut back on eggs and meat, these are nutrients that build Testosterone levels and in return create muscle growth. If you want to lose fat, increase muscle and increase testosterone, it's time to workout and eat the right foods.
What kind of exercise?
Less running more weight lifting.
Well known resistance training is key. You'll build and restore much needed muscle and raise testosterone levels at the same time.
Testosterone's connection to Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium. Important for healthy of bones, immune system, longer life and testosterone production.
It has been discovered low testosterone was tied to vitamin D deficiency in men, higher testosterone levels were measured after a consistant daily vitamin D intake .
Testosterone can be increased via cruciferous vegetables.
And your article ending bonus point- Extra virgin olive oil as a main source of fat can increase testosterone levels 15% plus.
Weight talk is somewhat of a taboo in society, and can be awkward within a relationship and is ignored by many because of the feelings that rise up. To steal a line from Christian comedian, Jeff Allen's Happy wife, happy life video, "what I'm hearing is, you are over weight and we're going on a diet."
The Good News- we were blessed with a moment of clarity that lead to a breaking down of the walls of the "don't ask don't tell" eating habits we slept walked ourselves into; we came out of our food coma wondering where all the weight came from and how to reverse it.
This isn't the first time we both wanted to lose some weight but what was different this time was the holy spirit's intervention into directing us back to the day we married and our wedding vows, the covenant, the promise to be united until death does us part, in sickness and in health. We began to dialogue in depth how we needed to battle this weight gain together, using our covenant to one another as the foundation to a successful, healthy life style together! Genesis 2:24
What was placed on our hearts was that this was not to be a challenge to your mate but a combined journey. We have researched relationship weight lost and have found cases where people actually lost weight because their spouse challenged them to a weight lost contest. These challenges can be short lived and may lack long term success. It's too easy after a couple weeks to say "you win" and they are back on the food merry-go-round.
2Canlose.com was birthed out of a desire to lose weight as a couple in the perimeters and privacy of our own marriage.
We made a wedding covenant on the evening of December 31st, 1987, 9:00 pm and recently revisited that covenant to enter into an agreed life style change 25 years later. We're excited to share 2canlose.com with your family; join us on this journey through a unique weight loss concept based on the covenant of the wedding vows. We'd recommend you dig out that wedding video and listen to those vows and revisit the covenant that will encourage and guide you both.
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: Closed
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